February 22, 2025


ITU-ASEAN Subregional CSIRT/CIRT/CERT Workshop for CLMV

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and ASEAN jointly organized the ITU – ASEAN Subregional CSIRT/CIRT/CERT Workshop for Cambodia, Lao P.D.R., Myanmar and VietNam (CLMV) which was held in Yangon, Myanmar on 29 Nov – 1 Dec 2011. The Workshop was hosted by the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs of Myanmar.

The Workshop was a joint effort of ITU and ASEAN Telecommunications and IT Senior Officials (TELSOM) that aimed to provide a platform for cooperation, information sharing, and discussion on cybersecurity and with particular focus on CSIRT/CIRT/CERT policies, procedures, best practices, challenges and opportunities among participants from ASEAN Member Countries, in particular, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and VietNam (CLMV) and ASEAN Dialogue Partners.

The Workshop aimed to contribute to previous as well as ongoing global activities related to building confidence and security in the use of ICTs (WSIS Action Line C5) and was linked to the ITU Global Cybersecurity Agenda (GCA) and Hyderabad Action Plan Programme 2 (Cybersecurity, ICT Applications and IP-based network-related issues). It expected to bring together CIRT practitioners, senior government officials, cybersecurity experts, related industry players and other stakeholder groups from ICT and security sectors with the end in view of strengthening the countries’ CIRTs, their cybersecurity fundamentals as well as building a network of cybersecurity experts in ASEAN.

One important feature of the Workshop was the conduct of a cyber drill/simulation on the last day of the workshop. Thus, participation of your national CIRT practitioners was highly recommended.

Photo Gallery

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